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"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots." - Marcus Garvey

Helping historic properties is a passion of ours. We can provide  our unique services to help raise necessary funding for restoration  and preservation efforts. One hundred percent of ticket sales goes to your organization. That's right, it is not a typo.  

"Wait. There has to be a catch."

All we ask for is a table or space to showcase books. We can even bring our own table.  We ask your organization to handle the ticket sales/reservations, so you have the money from the ticket sales. We help market the event using the outlets under our disposal.

​So, how can we help you? 


This is a group paranormal  investigation event.  The evening begins with an informal meet and greet with guests. A presentation is then given by David Raby consisting of the history of the location, exciting evidence from previous investigations and a Q&A session. A lights-out paranormal investigation concludes the event. Guests will be shown how equipment works and will be an active participant in this group event.

This program can be tailored for your location and based on your preferences.


Honestly, all of our events are family-friendly. This event is specific to families with children. This is a group paranormal investigation event. The lecture portion is shorter and there are other activities for kids. Children are encouraged to take an active part in a paranormal investigation. One of the main goals of the program is to show children that most paranormal activity is not as scary as portrayed in movies, cartoons and other media. Fun for all ages!


David Raby will lead a group of guests through a historic property providing a tour of that property while discussing the history of the location and conducting an informal paranormal investigation as the tour winds through the structure. The informal event allows for multiple entry times and a smaller group size for guests.


David Raby can provide a presentation about paranormal investigations in a group environment. No paranormal investigation takes place at the location.


We can customize any event to your particular needs. We are also open to other ideas! If you have an amazing idea in how we can help you, I would love to hear from you!

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